Afroofund Pricing

A small fee is automatically deducted per donation, that's it. Everything else goes directly to your cause, because that's what matters most. Here's a small breakdown of the fee.

The fee is broken down into two main parts:

Flutterwave transaction fee

Flutterwave is our payment processor and like every other payment processor, they have a transaction fee for every transaction made through their platform. Flutterwave charges a fee of 2.9% per transaction automatically deducted from every transaction.

Afroofund fee

We charge a fee to keep this platform up and running. We use this fee to compensate our staff who work tirelessly to keep your campaign pages up and make sure that all donations flow as should. We currently charge a fee of 2% per donation which is automatically deducted from each donation.

Fee Calculator

We know not everyone likes to do Maths so we created an easy calculator to show you how much you get per donation raised.

If you raise:

You would receive:


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